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Kapiva's Journey to Reducing RTO by 10% with LimeChat <> ClickPost Integration

Kapiva's Journey to Reducing RTO by 10% with LimeChat <> ClickPost Integration

Our Impact

Increase in responses with NDR flow
Increase in delivery reattempts
Reduction in RTOs


Kapiva aimed to address various issues leading to a rise in Return to Origin (RTO) rates and inefficiencies in Non-Delivery Report (NDR) management throughout the customer's purchase experience.

To streamline operations and improve customer satisfaction, Kapiva set clear objectives:

  1. Reduce the number of failed deliveries and subsequent returns, ultimately minimizing RTO rates and improving operational efficiency
  2. Improve customer response on failed delivery notifications with engaging messages
  3. Optimize post-purchase experience with real-time delivery alerts

The Solution

Kapiva has partnered with LimeChat and ClickPost, a leading logistics management platform that helps retail brands streamline their logistics operations. This partnership aims to reduce RTO rates and improve delivery success.

As part of this effort, Kapiva has implemented a WhatsApp Bot powered by ClickPost and Limechat, streamlining its customer communication and enhancing the overall post-purchase experience.

Redefined NDR Management

Kapiva implemented a systematic approach to manage non-delivered orders. This included prompt identification of NDRs, effective re-routing options, and timely communication with customers to reschedule deliveries or provide alternate solutions.

Stage 1: Identifying failed delivery attempts (NDR) in real-time

Clickpost's deep API integration enables Kapiva to identify and auto-categorize NDRs in real time.

These categories include "Address issue," "Customer not reachable," and "Customer rescheduled delivery." A WhatsApp message is triggered to the customer indicating the reason for the failed delivery.

Stage 2: Seeking responses from customers to ensure delivery

In partnership with LimeChat, Kapiva has implemented NDR flows that trigger automated issue-based conversations to engage shoppers and receive responses to resolve NDRs.

Kapiva implemented a systematic approach to manage non-delivered orders.

Stage 3: Sending customer feedback to carriers

After receiving customer feedback on NDR cases through WhatsApp, Kapiva then sends the customer input to the carrier via ClickPost APIs, for a better delivery rate in the next attempt.

This 3-step process thus helped Kapiva in reducing the overall RTO rate and improving delivery success.

Post-Purchase Communication

In addition to NDR management, Kapiva has prioritized improving the overall post-purchase journey for its customers. They use WhatsApp to send personalized order confirmation messages, return tracking updates, and real-time delivery alerts, keeping customers informed at every stage of the delivery process. This reduces WISMO (Where-is-my-order) queries from customers.

Kapiva use WhatsApp to send personalized order confirmation messages

The Results

  • 10% Reduction in RTO Rates: By implementing Clickpost's deep API integration and LimeChat's automated messaging system, Kapiva effectively increased reattempts and reduced failed deliveries and subsequent returns.
  • 2X Increase in Customer Response Rate: Kapiva customers no longer receive unnecessary calls after failed delivery attempts. They are informed of the status through automated messages since the implementation of the WhatsApp bot.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: Proactive communication, improved delivery success rates, and timely resolution of delivery-related issues have led to higher customer satisfaction levels for Kapiva.
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