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Alamode by Akanksha drives revenue from IG comments with LimeChat's Instagram Commerce

Alamode by Akanksha drives revenue from IG comments with LimeChat's Instagram Commerce

Our Impact

Comments automated
Click-through rate
New website visitors

Key challenges

Alamode by Akanksha is a revolutionary fashion brand that uses Instagram as its primary platform to maximize reach and promote its products.

Its Instagram strategy revolves around regular posting, prompt comment responses, and audience engagement.

The Alamode team post on Instagram 2-3 times per day, usually in the morning, afternoon, and occasionally in the evening. After each post, they dedicate approximately 30-45 minutes to stay online and respond promptly to comments.

However, with an average of 175 comments per post, it was difficult for them to reply quickly and effectively, potentially leading to delayed responses and missed engagement opportunities.

Another challenge Alamode by Akanksha faced was the delayed first response time. Due to their morning posting schedule, the average FRT was around 14 hours. This delay resulted in users losing interest and seeking information elsewhere, negatively impacting customer satisfaction and potentially hindering conversions.


Alamode chose LimeChat as its conversational commerce partner. By leveraging LimeChat's expertise, Alamode aimed to achieve the following goals:

  • Convert as many Instagram users as possible into customers by responding to their comments
  • Improve customer engagement and streamline product discovery
  • Decrease first response time and convert hot leads

The Solution

AI-Driven Automated Comment Replies

Alamode utilizes LimeChat's AI flows to automate their Instagram comment replies. This integration allows Alamode to respond promptly to customer comments, making their followers feel well taken care of and enhancing customer satisfaction. Additionally, Alamode uses LimeChat's flow capability to filter and reply differently to various queries.

Personalized Product Cards and DM Integration

When customers ask about product prices, Alamode leverages LimeChat's capabilities to send personalized product cards via DM. These product cards include detailed information about variants, colors, sizes, and direct integration with Shopify for seamless purchasing.

By providing this tailored information in DMs, Alamode reduces friction in the customer journey, simplifying the path to conversion. This approach results in a high success rate in converting leads into customers.

Improved Engagement by Directly Replying to Comments

Alamode witnessed a substantial increase in engagement by directly replying to comments. Along with sending a detailed DM response, Alamode engages in conversations directly within the comment section that builds a sense of personalized interaction with their audience.

This approach resulted in a 40% boost in engagement and created a more dynamic and interactive experience.

The Results

  1. Reduction in First Response Time (FRT) from 14 to 0 hours:
    By implementing LimeChat's comment automation, Alamode has automated more than 15K comments in the past few months. As a result, its FRT dropped from an average of 14 hours to 0 hours. This significant improvement enhances customer satisfaction and minimizes the risk of losing potential customers due to delayed responses.
  2. Impressive CTR of 30%:
    LimeChat's personalized product cards proved to be highly effective in capturing users' attention and driving them to the Alamode website, resulting in a 50% click-through rate. This high CTR indicates that users were actively engaging with the personalized product recommendations, demonstrating strong interest and intent to explore further on the website.
  3. Increased Traffic of New Visitors to the Website
    The Alamode website received over 4,000 visitors from comment automation, effectively increasing traffic and expanding the brand's online presence. More than 70% of these were first-time visitors, indicating that Instagram works as a strong acquisition channel.
  4. Higher Conversion Rates:
    The comment automation success extended beyond increased website traffic, as it also achieved a conversion rate of 3%. This demonstrates the value of personalized interactions and timely responses in driving conversions.
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LimeChat has provided us with a valuable opportunity to generate additional revenue at a significantly lower cost of acquiring customers, by enabling automated comment replies on our IG Account. LimeChat is consistently accessible, and their support is available round the clock, ensuring that we receive assistance whenever we reach out to them. Undoubtedly, we highly recommend LimeChat!

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