Password Protected Case Study
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Man Matters scales up 3x by automating 70% of customer queries

Man Matters scales up 3x by automating 70% of customer queries

Our Impact

Automation of customer queries
Reduction in agent overhead cost
<1 min
Average resolution time

Key challenges

In 2021, Man Matters experienced a remarkable threefold increase in growth within a mere six-month period. This surge in growth brought with it a unique set of challenges.

  • Higher number of customer support tickets
  • Customer drop-offs and loss of opportunities due to untimely responses to queries


  • Scale customer support easily with the brand's rapid growth
  • Increase sales from impulse shoppers on WhatsApp
  • Provide instant, personalized responses in a set brand tone

The Solution

  • LimeChat's human-level sales chatbot: To guide impulse shoppers coming on WhatsApp to purchase by responding instantly to queries
  • LimeChat's support automation chatbot: To instantly and automatically handle post-purchase support tickets
  • LimeChat's eCommerce-focused Omnichannel Helpdesk: To manage customer conversations and orders across channels quickly and efficiently

The Results

  • Automated responses by 70%
  • Reduction in agent overhead cost by 60%
  • Reduced First Response time from 20 minutes to 3 seconds
  • Reduced Average Resolution time from 50 minutes to 1 minute
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