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How Plixlife uses Instagram DM automation to maximize engagement and streamline support

How Plixlife uses Instagram DM automation to maximize engagement and streamline support

Our Impact

Automation of all Instagram queries
Opt-in rate for Plix’s IG community
Generated through broadcast in 1 day

Key challenges

Plixlife faced two significant challenges in its business.

  • First, despite having a significant customer following on Instagram (~243K), the brand’s customer engagement is stagnated. This is a common challenge faced by many DTC brands, and Plixlife is no exception.
  • Second, the brand has been inundated with customer queries, receiving an overwhelming 400 to 500 messages per day on its Instagram DM. Plixlife's audience expects a personalized and immediate response, but manually handling this volume of messages proved to be a daunting task, resulting in a high FRT.


Plixlife has recognized the importance of prioritizing customer experience and building a community to drive customer retention and increase lifetime value.

Plix partnered with Limechat to achieve the following goals:

  • Tap into the existing Instagram following and build a niche community of highly engaged audiences interested in regular updates from the brand.
  • Automate queries on Instagram DM to reduce the customer support workload and increase customer satisfaction.
  • Turn product discovery into actual sales.

The Solution

Build a community of engaged audience through IG opt-ins

Plix sent all their existing users an option to subscribe to special and secret deals. By adding an element of FOMO and mystery to the opt-in content, Plixlife was able to increase the number of opt-ins and generate excitement among its audience.

This approach not only helps Plixlife build a community of loyal customers who engage regularly but also creates a sense of exclusivity and value for its subscribers.

Build a community of engaged audience through IG opt-ins

Engage audiences through conversational and consultative marketing

Plixlife has adopted a conversational approach to Instagram marketing in order to create a more engaging and consultative experience for its customers.

The marketing team sends personalized and interactive broadcast DM campaigns, empowering customers to lead the conversation and the brand to drive more sales.

This approach additionally helps the Plixlife team in several ways:

  • It helps them better understand their customers' needs and preferences.
  • It allows them to educate their customers on solutions to commonly seen health issues.
  • By segmenting potential leads based on preference, they can target them more effectively.
Engage audiences through conversational and consultative marketing

Targeted Sales and Promotions for Loyal Customers

Targeted Sales and Promotions for Loyal Customers

Scale shopping experiences on Instagram with automation

With the help of LimeChat's automation features, Plix was able to enhance its customers' shopping experiences on Instagram.

Interactive product discovery Quiz

LimeChat has created an interactive quiz for Plix that helps customers find the right products based on their specific needs and preferences.

In just one month, the quiz was triggered over 9,315 times, indicating that customers found it engaging and valuable.

With the help of LimeChat's automation features scale shopping experiences on Instagram with automation
Automate FAQs and Nurture Leads to Make Quick Buying Decisions

Plix's audience has specific queries related to ingredients, side effects, payment, and shipping.

With LimeChat's automation feature, Plix can effectively handle and respond to these queries, making it easier for customers to make quick and informed purchasing decisions.

With LimeChat's automation feature, Plix can effectively handle and respond to these queries
Quick resolution to post-purchase queries

LimeChat also automated post-purchase queries for Plix, including canceling and tracking order. This feature provides Plix customers with instant support for post-purchase issues.

LimeChat also automated post-purchase queries for Plix, including canceling and tracking order.

The Results

After implementing the strategies mentioned above, Plixlife achieved the following results:

  • A community of engaged audiences is built, and 21K new subscribers are added in 3 months.
  • The customer support workload is reduced by 60% by automating 85% of all queries on DM.
  • The first response time is reduced from approximately a day to an instant response.
  • Customer engagement increased with an open rate of over 80% and a CTR of 25%.
  • Out of all the users who interacted with Plix in DMs, 75% were new users, and LimeChat managed to get 1000 checkouts.
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